Cartofi de calitate superioară.

Sustenabilitate și inovație IN AGRICULTURA.

grass field
grass field

Produse Agricole

Descoperiți cartofii noștri de calitate superioară, proaspeți și sustenabili.

A close-up view of several red and brown potatoes partly covered in dirt. They appear freshly harvested from the soil, with sunlight highlighting their texture and color.
A close-up view of several red and brown potatoes partly covered in dirt. They appear freshly harvested from the soil, with sunlight highlighting their texture and color.
A pile of freshly harvested potatoes with dirt still clinging to their rough skins. The potatoes vary in size and are closely packed together, showing their natural, earthy texture.
A pile of freshly harvested potatoes with dirt still clinging to their rough skins. The potatoes vary in size and are closely packed together, showing their natural, earthy texture.
Cartofi Premium

Cultivați sănătate cu fiecare masă.


Produse ecologice pentru un viitor mai verde.

Despre Agrofarm - Calitate și Sustenabilitate

La Agrofarm, ne dedicăm cultivării cartofilor de calitate superioară, folosind tehnici agricole sustenabile pentru a aduce produse proaspete și sănătoase direct de la fermă la masa dumneavoastră.

Several large mesh bags filled with potatoes are arranged closely together on a patch of soil. The bags are primarily orange, red, and white, and they appear to be made from a coarse fabric. The setting seems to be outdoors, possibly a farm or market, with some greenery visible in the background.
Several large mesh bags filled with potatoes are arranged closely together on a patch of soil. The bags are primarily orange, red, and white, and they appear to be made from a coarse fabric. The setting seems to be outdoors, possibly a farm or market, with some greenery visible in the background.
Produse excelente și sustenabile!

Cartofii de la Agrofarm sunt cei mai buni! Proaspeți, gustoși și de calitate superioară. Recomand cu încredere fermă dedicată sustenabilității.

Maria I.
